Lies, Half Truths and Feng Sui
Just seen a Blog by the title , Feng Sui – wind and water, think they mean all wind and piss, its full of silly statements about north being ice and positve side & negative side, in other words black and white, what crap. Get a life Feng Sui.
I have to hold up my hands and tell you I have lied in my Blog and it willnot happen again I promise, I thought I had seen a black necked stilt, but I was delerious with the heat and it was actually a Pied Lapwing, not a lot different but a totally different bird. So here is the pied Lapwing and all these pictures are the work of Arthur Grosset he is an ardent Birder and travels to Brazil and Cuba to see birds, that is what he says, Great pictures anyway.

If you have been following the latest travel saga of mine from Malabo to the UK and Florence and back to malabo and quickstep to Peru, you must appreciate that I have been busy and for some reason my new project manager has decided to request my appearance to a meeting in Florence. Now most people would jump up and down singing halleluya if they got the offer of flight tickets to Florence and to be fair Florence is a fantastic place to go visiting as a tourist, but I am just about done with flying for a good while and I actually turned down quite politely the offer for at least 2 more months on the grounds that my wife would probably get very angry and shout at everyone concerned, especially after my manager rang my house last time I was at home at 3.30 am and woke everyone in the house and then didn’t apologise all over the silly expenses woman quitting, I am still amazed about his ringing me over that. So I still do not know what my new manager thinks of my refusal but I did do it very gently and as a contractor they know better than to demand my appearance. I don’t even know what the meeting is about I was given no clue to the intent of the meeting, very silly sort of expecting me to fly half way round the world for a meeting I know nothing about the nature of. Last time I did the meeting in florence it was nothing more than a chat over coffee and nothig else, I wasn’t questioned or anything just basically a chat over coffee outside in the sunshine with a couple of guys who I had worked with before on previous jobs and basically we chatted about old jobs, nothing more, and then I left to spend the weekend in Florence with my wife who had never been to Europe before so for her it was heaven, for me just another pain in the ass trip. So this time I think it was more of the same, this project I am on is big and important and there is an expansion project coming off soon and my company is in the running for the work again so it could be something along that line of thinking.
My spanish is coming along in falls and flops, I know a few words and tend to try and use them all in the same sentence but I end up laughing at the crappy attempts I make. I understand more of what people speak to me but me trying to speak is another game altogether. It is the stringing the words together that is the hard part,
FENG SUI IS REALL GET A LIFE!!!!is reeel not fakee
one day ull regret saying that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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