Friday, April 22, 2005

how Valium and its Unanticipated Results have changed my Life

Last night I was invited to one of the operator’s birthday party but as I am on night shift it means going to bed late, which I don’t do ever, as I love my sleep. I agreed to go but had reservations as I thought I would fall asleep on a chair and look silly. The guy is a very pleasant calm and polite guy from Louisiana. Which in itself is a miracle and he is recovering from a nasty divorce and I got to know him through messing about with his laptop as normal. Anyhow I went and all the contractors who work with him on the night shift all turned out and even though it was raining a little some of the local girls who are cleaners also came and brought him a cake. His name is Keith but the girls thought he had said key so they call him Llave Grande, Big Key, which I found extremely funny. We were drinking beer and taking pictures and having a great time and after 2 hours I was feeling very tired so I managed to get a lift back to my room by a day guy after I got back I was starting to wake up and I was worried about not getting a good sleep so I took ½ of a Valium which I keep just for this emergency. I fell into bed and fell into a semi drunk sleep. I was blasted out of bed by the telephone, which normally never rings ever. It was one of my colleagues in the office asking me to call the Florence head office as they have a job for me, I was shocked but happy at the same time, I assumed that they were going to tell me my new contract was due and that I was leaving to Brazil, I tried ringing the numbers but got no reply from either and I did try for about 20 minutes but again I was feeling awake by now and feeling desperate about not sleeping so I took the other half of valium and went back to bed, I fell into a very very very deep sleep. When I woke from my slumber I looked at the window blinds and realised it was very dark outside. It took me about 5 minutes for my brain to come round and then I jumped out of bed desperate to know the time and it was 6.10pm and I was late for my shift, never before have I slept this long. I didn’t even take a shower, I just pulled on my old stinky marathon work uniform and dashed out my room and as I was walking into the car park a bus arrived, lucky me as it is a 25 minute walk up to the office from the camp accommodation. I marched into the office after being dropped off and found it empty apart from my manager who was busy again using yahoo messenger to chat to his Venezuelan girlfriend. He said they were at dinner and he asked me if I had spoken to my manager in Florence and I said I couldn’t get hold of him, so he said it was important that I contact him and he gave me his cell phone number, I rang this time and I apologised as soon as he picked it up, he was very nice and told me that the emergency was over and that they had found somebody for the Angola job, WHAT, I was being considered for a job in Angola, I thought I was on my way to Brazil. We chatted about my upcoming contract renewal and he said it wouldn’t be a problem but the Brazil job was a good way off and he needs somebody to go to Peru, Peru I thought, this could be interesting. I said I would be very happy to get away from Malabo and Peru would be a nice break for me. One of the Italian guys who worked here had worked on this project and it is near Machu Pichu the great Inca hidden city. And you fly on a helicopter to get there and it is in the middle of the jungle. It will be an interesting challenge to go to this job and I am very excited about going and he also mentioned the fact that I am still in line for the Brazil job, but I have to train the new guy a lot who is arriving from Pakistan. So I was delighted with the outcome of my use of Valium, not only did I sleep like a baby for 9 hours it also prevented me from having to work in the worlds worst shithole, Angola. So for me taking valium is a great drug for giving me the sleep I need and inadvertently keeping me away from a nasty smelly and dangerous place which would have also been working offshore. The great thing about the valium we get here in Malabo is it is only $3 a box for 30 tablets and I take them in halves which is a cheap and fantastic remedy for disturbed sleep on night shift. The peru site is day shift only and that for me is 75% of the bad things out of the way, I can deal with the assholes I work with easily and difficult jobs are great for passing the time but trying to keep awake on night shift is painful and demoralising, I think it makes you old before your time and makes you sour and miserable, I will be a new guy once I get to Peru and with Brazil on the horizon then I will be Mr Dynamic once more, ready to take on the world again. Lets hope plans don’t change in the next 2 ½ weeks. Print Article


At 4:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Paul Harris and i would like to show you my personal experience with Valium.

I am 55 years old. Have been on Valium for 20 days now. I decided to get off of all benzos after much reading and having a friend who was abusing Xanax kill himself (may have been other issues, too). I was taking about 4 mg of Klonopin daily. I read a lot of the reseach on benzos by Dr. Heather Ashton, one of the world's leading authorities on benzos. I was shocked to see her equivalency table for Klonopin and Xanax. 1 mg of Klonopin or Xanax is equel to 20 mg of Valium. That's right, 20!! Plus, Klonopin and Xanax have nasty side effects. That did it for me. No more benzos!! Because Valium has the longest half-life of any benzo and the least side effects, I'm using it and water-titration to get off Klonopin, a method widly used in Europe. 10% reduction every 10-14 days. So far so good.

I have experienced some of these side effects -
Headache, drowsiness in the morning. Hard time getting my Dr. to prescribe and go along with treatment program. Valium supposedly is far less addicting than some other benzos, with far fewer side effects. I hope that turns-out to be true.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Paul Harris


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