Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Possible Last Night Shift Ever and relief of Completing them

Today I finished what could be my last night shift ever and to be honest the feeling was close to ecstasy. I left site at around 7.30 after turning in all my timesheets for the last two weeks and was calculating in my head how much I would make and how I could never ever have to work night shifts again if I was lucky. If you have been reading the rest of my reports you will see that I had requested a transfer and that I had been expecting to go to Brazil after this job but Brazil is a little further away than I had wanted and now they are sending me to Brazil. Well I can let out the secret that I am a wildlife and conservation nutcase, I am a member of Greenpeace and RSPB and Woodland Trust and a few other and I love looking and listening to wild things. Now the Peru assignment is in the depths of the Amazonian jungle up in the Andes and I can tell you I was more than excited to be going. The web link is


This is the link to the gallery of pictures, it is very remote and has its own landing strip, you may ask why do I do this job and support greenpeace and I will reply, I haven’t a f**king clue how I can reconcile it. I am a human being who needs money and food and I do the job that I am best at, but I deplore the destruction and the problems it causes but travelling the world is fantastic and I love it, I have no answer to that question, sorry

But finishing the job today was great, I had to get up early and get back to work at 2.00pm and take over from a guy who was also taking over from me to go on nights is crazy but I need to sleep at night and feel normal. I came home spoke to my wife on the Skype internet Voip and left feeling great. I am in my tiny room getting drunk and eating chilli corn chips and thinking about going back to the UK for a holiday to sell my house as prices have peaked as far as I can see, there is only a crash around the corner but hell, what do I know, I have to clear out the garage and move all my crap to my sister new house in the spare room and see if I can get her to do all the legal stuff for me after I have left, I have promised to pay for her travel to Costa Rica for a holiday whenever she wants but she is chicken and may never go but I will try all the same. Life is a bummer but you have to keep kicking and screaming to get what you want and try and smile at the same time.


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