Wonderful Surprise In Phoenix International Airport
I flew into Phoenix Internationa Airport and had a wonderful experience, I didnt even know that Phoenix had a clearing facility for international flights and it was a wonderful experience. We landed and walked into a totally deserted immigration building and after spending all of 2 minutes being processed politely the baggage collection was only 20 paces behind the lines, we waited a total of about 10 minutes for the bags to arrive and then clearing customs we rechecked the bags easily and again with polite staff, It was the smoothest and pleasant arrival in any US airport i have ever had, it was a sample of things to come, I flew in San Francisco Airport to have only a short wait for my flight and was allowed in the red carpet club, I was given beer tokens , which i didn't use becasue i was trying to have a good sleep on the plane and beer keeps me peeing all night long, i ate a few snacks and finally a banana, not good to got o bed on but i felt like it. I was flying united Airlines out to Sydney and it was a Jumbo, an old 747 and man it feels old , i can hardly remember the last time i flew on one, they are ancient technology and should have all been retired by now, the seats were pretty poor but recliners but it was all manual stuff, you had to push and pull the seat about, no whirring mortors, but i sat down and got out my valiums and took a whole 10Mg tablet and pulled on my blindfold and i hardly remember taking off, I slept until well after dinner had been cleared away and even the second meal had gone, it was 7 hours later when i opened my eyes and i felt so fresh that i went and had some juice and cookies and then cleaned my teeth, I even then slept some more until breakfast was being called out, man i felt good, sleep is better than sex i will swear to it, I landed in Sydney and found a beautiful airport but the change from the International building to the doemstic was like dropping back to some bus station and the tiny dept was shocking in its basic and primitive status. far too few counters and far too many people it was chaotic and a total shambles, we then had to get on the bus and we were shuttled across the airport to the domestic lounges, it is a very nice and airey small building but getting to it is a miserable struggle, When we took off we got a great view of Sydney harbour but on the flight to Perth I was talking to 2 expat Brtis who have lived here for so long and would never go back, the depressing weather is the main thing everyone talks about. i am in the main lounge in Perth looking through some huge windows at the very flat landscape, it was flat nearly all the way across 5000 Km and here is not much different, further north i have been told there are hills and valleys and some rivers, as it is more tropical and more water. we will see on my next leg of the Australian venture
A view of the coastal Town of Perth Western Australia

we got a great shot of the harbour as we took off

man, the harbor looks awesome. hope i can find a time to come visit.
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