Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Term Red Neck and its Real Meaning after Working With Texans

I have heard the term redneck used a lot over the years from old cowboy films and police detective series from the USA and never took much notice of it, I just assumed it meant someone who was a little rough around the edges, but I have encountered what can only be described as true thoroughbred Red Necks from the hills whilst working here in Malabo for Marathon oil. I thought I had travelled enough and seen many types of people from all backgrounds but some of the wild bushmen from the outback of the bible belt and the screaming hillbillies have shocked and surprised me and one in particular stands out like an Olympic champion Red Neck. I assumed that when you talk to a normal employee in an oil company that they would be educated and well spoken and polite and discuss things in a normal and calm manner but I was shocked when I was confronted by a wild eyed raging lunatic who was stamping round the control room like he was on a war dance whilst we were trying to discuss the merits of hunting with dogs and that was after one sentence which referred to unnecessary cruelty when hunting with dogs, I was called a huge number of names including queer and motherf**ker and many other things, I did try and calm him down by saying I wasn’t against hunting in general but just cruelty with dogs which as far as he was concerned that seemed to be a challenge to fight him, I was quite intimidated as you would imagine as he is huge, fat and has bulging eyes normally. The film the deliverance surged into my mind and the words squeal like a pig came thundering in my head. I knew I had encountered a red neck and it isn’t nice. I have since seen him in action several times and he was screaming at the top of his voice obviously explaining to someone what they were doing wrong and how to do it properly, the louder they shout the easier the victim can understand, I have been trying to analyse what it is that drives these men and from a few conversations with normal Americans it seems that he is either deranged and dangerous, or he is very uneducated and had a father who used him as a whipping boy and asked him to squeal like a pig, I think it could be all actually. This man I think could under the right circumstances go on a shooting spree killing everyone in sight, and I am not joking when I write this, he is a dangerous killing machine who is wound up like a very large and ugly spring ready to uncoil and lash everyone around him. He is also a very nasty and devious man, he has managed to manipulate his manager by kissing ass all the time and this allows him to maliciously stab people in the back and I for one have been a victim, he complains about little things people do like spending too much time on the internet and being in the office too much and basically anything he can complain about and as he is such a bully, others around him will kiss his ass so as not to suffer the very abuse he gives out, he gets them to inform on what he thinks is not acceptable behaviour and then reports back to his manager. I have witnessed some horrible people over my working life but this man can go down as the nastiest piece of shit I have ever come across. Lets hope Peru and Brazil doesn’t have this kind of real Red Neck working there or I may have to employ the local police assassin to get rid of them for me, I can only take one like that in a lifetime.


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