Ugliest Obsessive Compulsive Habit I Have Ever Seen
When i flew into Tunisia i flew via Newark, my favourite airport in the USA as the international lounge has some great food places plus a great business lounge, so as normal when flying from Costa Rica to the USA the plane is full of US males, most of which are older flying alone and have been either looking for a Latina wife or some Latina love, maybe even Lationo love. So it wasn't unusual to find a middle aged man sitting across the aisle from me and this guy had the worst obsessive compulsive habit i have ever seen in public, He would drive his fingers well up his nose to try and pull out the hairs, not now and again but he would do this constantly, you could tell he didn't like doing it but he couldn't stop himself, he tried everything to stop thinking about it, like reading and talking to his female seat companion but he just couldn't stop trying to pull out his brains by the roots of his nose hairs, it looked crazy, if you have ever tried to get hold of an offending hair then it is pretty tricky and if you have then ever tried to pull a hair if you have managed to get your nails into it then it is pretty painful, but this guy was doing it non-stop for four and a half hours, his nostrils must have been sore at the end of the flight, It looked ugly and disgusting, i personally use a tiny pair of sewing scissors to cut my extra long nose hairs as i have a fetish about not letting anyone see hairs hanging out of my nose but to try and pull them out in public is the sign of a red-neck hill-billy who loves pigs, probably. If anyone else has seen a worse case of O/C disorder then let me know i would love to hear about it
Ugly disorder that needs a slap around the head

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