Life Down Under in Oz
This is day 3 of my first trip to Australia and the jetlag is killing me, I am falling asleep at 8pm and waking up at 2am, this my sound like I am getting enough sleep but I am the walking dead. To make the situation worse I am expected to start night shift tonight, I believe it will not last I am going to be ill after day 2, but lets talk about Australia, as soon as I arrived I felt at home and completely comfortable here, I understand the accent completely as it is like a british accent, they use all the quaint little words that are used in the UK and I feel like I have come home. The folks are really friendly and are casual, flip flops and shorts and t-shirts are typical dress in a country that has sun 12 months of the year. Beer drinking at a barbecue is a standard past-time which feels very good to me, I was invited to a barbecue with all the electricians from the plant, which was fantastic, it gets you meeting all the guys that you may only bump into on the job. The town I am staying in is actually a camp town, it was built by the Iron Ore company up here and now the gas terminal is here it seems to be booming the house rpices and rentals are just insane $1800 a week for a 3 bedroom house. It is a really small town centre with 2 supermarkets and a cluster of small other shops, you can probably get everything you want but I suspect the prices are quite expensive. I have just seen the real estate prices this morning and house here are outrageous $500,000 for a shithole and over $1 million for a nice 4 bedroom house, now that is crazy. On my first day on site I was offered two jobs within the first hour, everyone is saying that this country is suffering a jobs boom of crazy proportions, companies are paying retention bonuses of $10,000 a year to stop the guys jumping from job to job. The only problem of living in Karratha it is very rural and you would go crazy after a short time, maybe a year but it is a nice environment, the sun shines all year round apart from the cyclone season. The scenery round here is a strange, unusual rock formations that ripple along the hills that nothing grows on, I was told that the ground is rock and that you cannot dig a hole to put a tree into. The weather here is very hot and humid as it is the end of the cyclone season and it is the worst part of the year, but to me it is heaven as it is the opposite of Tunsia which was ‘orrible. I went to the supermarket to get some snacks and I saw some wild bushmen walking about, probably some of the wildest I have ever seen in my life, they had huge full bushy uncontrolled beards and wild wild hair. The obviously live a different type of life out in the farms far far away from civilization and don’t feel the need to do anything about it, it is a different lifestyle here altogether.
Strange rock formations with no plants,

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