Saturday, September 27, 2008

Jetlag in Costa Rica

I am back in Costa Rica, this is probably a surprise for you all but I have quit the project in Australia. there were a few reasons why, mainly i didn't like the daily routine of it being a normal day job, short hours no overtime payments, no regular holidays, only 4 weeks a year, after all these years of project orientated work and having 6 months of holidays a year make you spoiled. Plus the work was slow and not exciting, so i have decided to go back to project work, but hopefully all based in the latin-american locality. I hate jetlag and as i am getting close to 50 the toll jetlag takes on me is getting worse and not easier.

So I am back in the land of cheap food, cheap beer and lots of rain, last night we got stuck in a rainstorm that was pounding down filling all the roads with just torrents of water, it was Ok for me as i had a 4 wheel drive and I was splashing all the other smaller cars with just a huge wave of water,

we saw one accident where a car had slid under the rear of a pick-up truck and a car had dropped into a large hole in the road that had been filled with water and it looked like it had torn off a front wheel, pretty standard for this part fo the world, the crack heads steal the man hole covers to sell for drug money so there are lots of holes in the roads,

it can be lethal for bicycle riders, this isnt a country for riding on the roads, only offroad in the countryside. I am now looking for a new house and perhaps a little farm in the country, still trying to decide, but while the worlds money markets are in turmoil I will hold off until the prices start falling here like the USA. I am going to try and get out and do some birding on the local mountain called Pico Blanco, a fantastic place and even though it is in the middle of the capitol city it is very quiet, for one you need a 4 wheel drive to get up there and it is hard walking once you get out to walk, but great for the birds.


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