Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tijuana, what does it conjure up in Your Imagination

Well I now know why most Mexicans want to go to the USA, mexico on the border is a miserable place and Tijuana especially is about as horrible as you can get, millions of poor people living in chaos and totally unplanned cinder block housing in a desert. The traffic is just unimaginable with shocking road signs and Baja mexico is nothing like you would expect of a holiday resort, it is a desolate desert with nothing growing, hotels surrounded by shanty housing and the most obvious symbol of thirdworldness is the mountains of shite everywhere, just trash thrown everywhere, the housing looks bad but to have it surrounded by mountains of trash make it look even worse. The obvious signs of a dictatorship are everywhere, jeeps full of masked military, men with guns at every post and armed guards wherever money is about, just amazing to see it, This place is not a good one to be driving about so we are moving to Rosarito to a place down the coast, called Las Rocas, supposedly an old hotel from the good old days that mexico was safe to visit without the fear of being kidnapped or assinated just for fun.


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