Friday, September 23, 2005

Death by Anaconda

The only thing in this life that is certain is death. We will all die sometime or other and we all hope it is later rather than sooner, I wish all criminals die sooner rather than later but that is another Blog sometime. But people in Peru and other Anaconda inhabited countries never think they are going to die a death by serpentine strangulation and eventually being eaten possibly alive. Some unfortunate soul in Peru was the victim of such a giant anaconda, it doesn’t look that big actually but it was able to eat this prey item and it was so heavy it just sat about waiting for the food to be digested, this is when it was captured and the strange shape in its belly was investigated and everyone was saying “where is Jose, he would love to be here and see this”, not knowing Jose was the strange shape. Nevertheless at least he didn’t get old and miserable or get run over by a bus and had to have his legs amputated, or cut off his own hand while working with his machete in the fields. Life is full of surprises isn’t it

6 More months and he would have been digested


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