No Social Life and My Pet Butterfly
I am keeping up to date with my old buddies and reading about there social activities and how much fun they are having and I am all of a sudden feeling depressed at the total lack of fun I am having here in the jungle. As a professional engineer I can hack working anywhere for any length of time but I don’t have to enjoy it and I am not enjoying working here as there is nothing to do at all. They have a little Gym to work out in and a pool room that is always busy. But the cable TV is the best your going to get, fighting over the karaoke is something that happens now and again but doesn’t start until 9.30pm and that is almost my bed time here. I am struggling to keep my bedtime at 10pm and my eyes are closing at anywhere between 8.30 pm onwards, so I have decided that I must get a relocation to a destination that inspires me to have some fun and start being a normal life and soul of the party again. Even in Malabo in Equatorial Guinea they had a clubhouse where you could get slaughtered and have a full night laughing and joking and falling about stupidly drunk, but here it is closer to working offshore on a platform than anywhere I have worked for a long time. I am usually sitting in my office with the only company being my Pet Butterfly, that has suffered from heat stress and sits there just waving its antennae at me in that provocative way. I would have a better time down the river with the local native indians, smoking coca leaves and eating monkey brains, but we have been banned, probably too much of a good time would be had

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