Sexy Fat Women
Isn’t it a funny old world that healthy women are suffering just because they have a few extra pounds around the midriff, good gawd, don’t they realise that all men love women with curves. A few extra pounds is exactly what us men like and it is only the goddam fashion magazines that portray heroin chic as something to aim to. I can say that whoever it was that first thought skinny assed women were sexy must have had a sight impediment, no man in his right mind would say a broom stale with some hair is a sexy thing, a gloriously curvy woman is a sight to behold and middle aged women shouldn’t think that being a little overweight is bad for the marriage, it is the lack of sex that ruins a marriage, go on love give him a blowjob now and again and he will never leave you. Wave you sexy plump behind at him in the bedroom he will love you forever, hiding your extra weight and thinking your ugly will make it harder for you to keep your marriage bubbling along nicely. Look at Gwyneth Paltrow, she was that hideous bag of bones and now she has put on some weight since the baby and her fella loves her even more because of it. Power to the Fatties, love ‘em all.

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