Friday, June 23, 2006

Italians Are Really Romans in a Car

The Romans never died out they just turned into Italians and the great sports they used to have are still with us today, the gladiatorial games are still being played daily. The chariots they used are now cars and the same lethal tactics used then are still used today.
1, they have to chase the car in front to overtake and kill the occupant by whatever means they can, usually weaving about and forcing them into oncoming trafic.
2, they drive as fast as those horses will make them go and try to lead the race around all the circuit even if it means overturning and dieing in a ball of flames.
3, pedestrians are all willing opposing gladiators in the eyes of all motorists and are meant to be killed by being run over at every opportunity, so pedestrain crossings are a killing ground and should never be used by a tourist.
4, scooter riders are nasty horsemen from the north and should be squashed into pulp under the wheels of a chariot, I agree with this one
5, bicycle riders are nasty horsemen from the north and should be squashed into pulp under the wheels of a chariot, this as a bicycle rider I do not agree with
so here endeth the lesson on Roman gladiatorial car driving today


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