Sbikha Tunisia Goodbye, hello Ferriana Tunsia
Well this site is finished and it has been a real challenge and we managed to endure and win, I have been very lucky that i have had a great bunch of guys here working with me and had some great extra training from a really experienced guy who knows these engines very well, the only thing I am going to miss is the two kittens that we have been fattening up for the winter and basically we saved them from starving to death, they were a couple of skinny boney miserable looking ill kittens that without all the extra food we gave them i am certain they would have perished. It has even been said that we should have let them die as who is going to look after them after we have left. Good point but i would have been heart broken if we had allowed them to die, so now we have two really lovely looking kittens who i think will be strong enought to start hunting for themselves and survive the winter, they have been getting so much food that they are going to be the biggest cats in the neighbourhood,
here are the little tigers that i will miss when i leave Sbikha

I am leaving for the next site on wednesday and it is quite remote by what others have said but at least we have another great hotel to stay in, this makes the whole job acceptable and not such a problem. Working long hours isnt a big deal but living in a crappy place with crap food is enought to make one quit and sell ice-cream on the beach back home in lovely Costa Rica, we'll see how it all goes.
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