Last Full Day In Tunisia,
Today is my last full working day in Tunisia for this year hopefully, I had to go back to the other site last week for a few days to clear up a fdew outstanding points, it was an uneventful trip apart for the start of the journey, as i was leaving the site here in Ferriana i was flagged down by a couple of young boys who wanted a lift up the road, they jumped in all smiling and laughing, we sped away up the hills and were bouncing along the bumpy road, still all smiles, as we neared a sharp bend we saw a dead dog in the road, it had been there since we arrived in the morning, the two boys got agitated and started saying a few things, i looked at them for some instructions, i couldn't undestand anything, I asked if they could speak french, nothing, just some blank stares and some pained expressions, as I slowed down for the bend, maybe 10 mph, the kid in the back seat opened the door and jumped out, slipping on the sand at the side of the road and rolling over in the dry dirt, i stopped the car and went back to look at him, the other kid also jumped out and looked at his brother(my guess), and the young guy was all dusty and wobbly but on his feet, the other one then saw another car coming the other way and ran after it shouting for a lift the other way, at this point i was worried, what would the boy say to them, what would he say to his mum and dad, what would they say to the police and would there be a huge investigation, would i be arrested for kidnapping. I jumped in the car and sped away, starting a trip that lasted 5 hours, inlcuding getting lost and nearly entering Algeria, and finally getting to my destination in the late afternoon, my imagination had been running away with itself, i was at a point of fleeing to the capitol and getting on the first plane out of here, the prospect of spending a night in the cells for some misunderstanding wasn't a great feeling.
I carried on along with my trip and went through a small town called Sbeitla and on the outskirts of the town was a large cemetary, but in the centre was a large Roman Temple of Minerva, Here is a great pic

This is an interesting country for a weeks holiday but for two months is runs a bit dry, the great salt lake is actually a large salty muddy patch that covers a huge area, but there isnt actually anything worth seeing, just salt and mud
So I leave maybe to come back after Christmas or maybe not,a s i never know in my job, all I know is that i am looking forward to having a long break from this torment, and relaxing with my wife and little girl over Christmas to enjoy a few luxuries that you cannot get here like, nice food and a nice green climate.
dude, why did the kids bail, i NEED to know.
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