Sunday, January 11, 2009

Earthquake Update

Costa Rica was built by two tectonic zones riding over one another, this means the forces that built this country are still active, we normally get a tremor or a wobble once a week or so, nothing much, enough to make the wind chime ching away now and again, we arrived back in Costa Rica a week ago and after recovering from the trip from the USA we went south to my in-laws house, we had felt a wobble the night before and ignored it while we watched tv, when we got to Cuidad Neilly we saw the news and the helicopter pictures showed miles and miles of collapsed roads and many building that had slid down the huge ravines, huge mountain sides had slid away, usually because the trees have been removed. It all looked very bad but the death toll is reasonably small as it is a low populated area, it is standing at about 100 with a few foreigners including 5 brits, probably birdwatchers. what has made this worse is that many roads just fell away into the valleys and rivers, taking cars and tourist buses with them, so now the rescue cannot get access apart from helicopter. The operators must be making big money now. So we carry on as normal and watch the news and this time for me the disaster is local not in some far off land.


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