Sunday, April 05, 2009

Lago de Fuente De Piedre

What an unusual place, the lake where the Flamingos live, is in a large plane and is a salt lake, it was only a 45 minute drive and the weather has changed from wintery to Summer in a week, the car was showing 24.5 C, which was a nice summers day temperature. We arrived at the town on the shore, and drove to the visitors centre, it was small and the lake was two parts, the main salt lake and some smaller outer flood plains, these areas were alive with different birds, some Black-winged stilts and yellow Wagtails, very attractive and all very pretty, the Flamingos were a long way off feeding in the lake centre and with the binoculars you could make out some very large congregations in the centre of the lake. maybe 1Km a way, we drove around the lake to a different view point and saw a small group feeding quite close and they really are a funny birds with that huge neck and strange feeding sweep with the hooked bill. It was all too much for the little girl who proclaimed that they didn't interest her too much as they were too far off and the weather was too hot to keep walking about, we had to retreat and have some drinks and head to the closest shopping centre in Antequerra to do more shopping for food, we seem to be eating a large amount, the novelty w2ill soon wear off i think.

We have furniture and it is going to take 4 weeks to get it all sorted out, we have too much furniture and may have to give some away. but it looks like home and even though it cost a fortune to get it here it feels nice to be sat in my nice sofa again,


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