Saturday, April 18, 2009

Magpies all of a Feather

This last week has been a constant paperchase, we have been twice to the Immigration offices in Malaga, both times the traffic is a nightmare and all the roads around Malaga have been transformed and are still being transformed so the maps in my GPS are all out of date. So the GPS will tell me turn right then keep left but it meant to say turn right( pause pause pause) keep left, hence i turn right then keep left and start heading the wrong direction down the coastal highway to Gibraltar, all very frustrating, but we are slowly making progress, we have had one builder take a look at the plans we are making for the roof terrace and we have had one cabinet maker come to measure up for the wardrobes, as we need two fitting as most of our clothes are still stood around on shelves and in cases, i have been wearing the same items over and over after the washing, so life is OK apart from the insufferable weather, always cold and it has been raining all week, i hope the summer comes next week, i can imagine it going from winter to summer in 20 minutes and then we get no respite for 6 months of blistering heat.

While we have been driving about we have been seeing these lovely birds alongside the olive groves, most interestingly are the Azure-winged Magpies, lovely large birds that flock in groups up to 20-30 birds and are very attractive. Also i have seen, many small seed eaters and one is a new bird for me, the Brambling

Azue-winged Magpie

Azue-winged Magpie


Work is all turning interesting, I seem to be flavour of the month, with several agencies offering me work, once i have completed all my duties her ewith the house I will decide who to work for and take the one who pays the most and gives me the best extras like locations and maybe family status.


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