Monday, May 18, 2009

Nude Frenchman in San Sebastian

It was sunday day off so we went for a drive to San Sebastian which is about 70 Km away, it was a nice sunny day and the traffic was light and San Sebastian is a very nice pretty town with some nice boulevards and very attractive buildings, it must have been a very prosperous town at some point in the past. we walked around the coastal path and into the old fishing harbour and then into the old town, it has narrow streets and lots of little shops and bar, a very pretty place to walk, but in the middle we were confronted by a very tall naked man walking along doing his shopping, you could tell by the colour of his tan, which was total from head to toe that he was a regular nudist, he was smiling and very happy, I am not usually shocked but i was taken aback. We carried on with our tour, we had a beer a sleep in the park and a coffee before we drove home and a relaxing evening watching movies, I checked Google for the naked guy and sure enough he is a pretty famous guy for his naked activities including cycling as in a screenshot of this video. Good luck to him but the local spanish are all upset, i just laughed.


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