Monday, July 20, 2009

The Metro Station Names, Come on and get a life Spain

We are using the metro to get about in Madrid and normally you expect the names to represent the streets that they emerge at, or something else suitable, but what about if they are all named after people, it doesn't really give you a clue to where you are, you need that route map and a wirelessly connected device to understand where your going. I was intrigued as to whom the stations are named after, Like Guzmen El Bueno, ( Translation, Guzmen the good) it appear that he was a commander of the king Phillip the 2nd, well he was put in chgarge of the Armada that attempted to conquere England, and spain now names a station after the largest naval failure in ancient history,

What about Gregorio MaraƱon, a doctor who wrote marital guides on sex.

Another great one is Duque De Pastrana, a portugese upstart who kiissed the ass of King Phillip for 30 years and married well, why name a station after him, just insane.

Garcia Noblejas another hopeless attempt at giving a station a name after an assinated nobody, why attempt to name stations after people who nobody will ever bother reading about or who just becasue they had connections with royal families had power and money but never di anything other than line their own pockets.

Spain get over the past get some real names and start living in the 21st Centuary


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