Delivering a sharp Rebuke

As you all must be aware by now that I am a wildlife nut, there isn’t anything I will not save given the chance and there is nothing I find fascinating, from the ugliest squirmy thing to things that want to bite and hurt you, including a giant bug that I rescued from the plant today, it had a set of jaws that I swear could have been used to open a can lid with, it was covered with spikes and had a fancy red warning pattern on its back that I really should have taken notice of, but I did take care not to get bitten and not tear its legs off while removing it from the metal screens that it was clinging to for dear life. I have realised one mistake all the bugs make while holding tight to the metalwork. They seem to think it is all a windy day and will sit there until the wind finally stops but the problem is it doesn’t stop on the fans, they ruin and run and run continuously so the bugs and moths and butterflies all sit there until they die of exhaustion. It is really sad that they do this as sometimes when I get close to them they will struggle really hard and fly away, they escape the rushing torrents of wind and fly to safety, but all usually sit tight, in a section the hot air circulates round and round and the air temperature gets to about 120 F so any bugs in that section suffer heat stress, it cooks them as they have a really poor mass flow system around there bodies, so they just fold their wings and die very quickly, even if I rescue them pretty quickly they send a few days vibrating their wings and finally go to insect heaven, where there are no birds and lots of flowers dripping with juices for them to slurp away with the long tongues. Anyhow getting away from the story line, my wife is also a conservation minded woman and is in the midst of completing a masters course in Natural Resource management , this will enable her to become a National Park Manager in Costa Rica, so she is conducting some field work on conservation work, like how to measure the population density of animals in an area, so they catch hummingbirds and Bats and she sent me a fantastic picture of a bat they were weighing and it wasn’t happy. It was planning on tearing somebody a new asshole. It didn’t look frightened just plain angry. So someday I am planning to have a house in a national park in Costa Rica and being the house husband to a park manager, sounds good to me.
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