Landing in Lima for 1 Night
Lima is a surprisingly large city and again today it took 45 minutes to drive across the city from the airport, it is the second biggest city built in a desert in the world, even though i had an argument with a peruvian that it was a desert as she said they grow everything, well you can if you give it water, but when you fly in there sint a blade of grass to be seen outside of a cultivated field.
but it is a very nice direct city centre, i have been told there are lots of very nice brothels to see, not likely, probably get mugged walking about at night.
1 thing i forgot to mention that i had rescued my first bat from the screens around the heat exchangers, it was luckily on the cool side so it didnt roast but i suspected it might die of hypothermia as it is mighty windy around those huge 10 foot fans. but as soon as i lifted it away from the screens it was desperate to escape and fly away but i wanted to release it away from the fans and not near the hawks as they would have eaten it for breakast.

I flew out on time and landed to a newer taxi than last time and shared a taxi with my new found Argentinian friend to the Damiel Hotel that has a jacuzzi in the living room and i found that a little strange
ah well life is such that i am just happy to have a beer with my lunch and watch some decent TV, they have cable and CNN and Discovery, woohoo life is good again
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