Another Reason for not Working Offshore
I have become accustomed to working on land based installations and every time is see some horror story about a unit burning or sinking I feel happy I am not working offshore, I was sent a picture probably from the Gulf of Mexico where a jackup is being hit by what I can only describe as a bolt of lightning from hell.

I know I probably have more chance of being hit by lightning here in the Peruvian jungle than working offshore but I became petrified by the fact I had no escape chance from anything disastrous. In fact working on land could be worse as you are exposed to many things that you never get offshore like snakes and mosquitoes. I have even had to have a Rabies vaccination because I have rescued bats and they have a higher risk of rabies than most animals here in the jungle for some quirk of nature. Why oh why does nature have to be such a bitch, she is rebelling for all the shit that we have done to her. Trying to poison her atmosphere is pissing her off very badly, she will keep hammering everybody with huge storms around the world until she calms down. This last year I have seen so many terrible storms and floods around the world that has claimed so many lives it seems there is no end to the situation, and the fears that the ice caps in the Antarctic will melt and raise the sea level by potentially hundreds of feet is almost bad enough to stop me buying my house on the coast. Perhaps I should buy up the hills so that when they rise I will be on the coast. Jenny has told me she has found her dream house in the town we are looking at buying, it is on a 3 acre plot that backs onto the local airstrip, the house is so big that at present it is divided into 2 houses and rented separately. The old man who cuts the grass and picks the fruit comes free so I was told. We’ll see what the outcome is of that one and I am getting some pictures of it Monday so I’ll add them to the Blog then.
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