Saturday, September 03, 2005

Can you imagine the excitement that would be generated if a planet in our solar system had been found to have a carbon based life forms living on it, all the news papers and TV stations would be doing nothing but rave on about it forever. Can you also imagine the amounts of money the worlds industrialised nations would pour into getting spacecraft to investigate it all.

So why is it then that NASA and the European Space agency are spending all this money when the planet on which we live is so full of amazing carbon based life forms that they don’t really give a shit about. It makes a mockery of all the talk of trying to explore the solar system, if they don’t do something very soon about the problems of the planet we will have nowhere to live and nothing to see. Our watery world is 3/5 water covered and is still full of mysteries and undiscovered wonders of Mother Nature. So why don’t they try and fully investigate our own planet. The reason my Dear Watson is that it doesn’t make any money. The space program is all about making money for the companies that are making all these big toys for big boys. What utter bullshit and hypocrisy it all really is. OK OK I know that the space race created Teflon and pushed high tech stuff quicker than it really would have but let's face it, going to the moon hasn’t changed the life of anyone on earth has it and now Bush is talking about going to Mars. What a waste of money, I think the price of gas may put a stop to all that. Another thing is that the new Pope should get to grips with the facts of reality of an overpopulated world. He should finally come into the 21st centuary and let contraception be allowed and get control of the runaway growth in the populations in the third world. This is another reason we will have nothing left to look at. The Chinese will have eaten it all moving things and the Indians will have built shops on all the rest of the unbuilt land. Where will it all end.


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