Save The Whale and My Beer of Course
I am counting down the last couple of days before I fly my merry way out of the jungle and into the real world of shopping and cooking and chasing the kids around. It all seems so very strange to have to get back into the swing of things, anyone who works this sort of lifestyle knows what I am talking about. I don’t have to make my bed, or clean the shower or sweep up or dust or vacuum, or anything at all, I point a finger at something and say this needs doing and someone does it. So going back to what normal people do in real life is a strange shock, I almost begrudge having to do it. But I am lazy and got a housekeeper to do all the domestic stuff as Jenny, my wife, is studying at university and she is far too busy to look after kids , wash clothes and cook and have me laying around the house and do studies at the same time, so I decided that I cannot bear to do it anymore and asked her if she wouldn’t mind if we got a housekeeper, she was very happy with the decision as I was also, the woman is from Nicaragua and is a very hard worker. As Nicaragua is one of the poorest countries in the Americas nearly all of the immigrants from there are great workers as they are happy to be making money and not starving. We pay top wack for her and she works damned hard. The only criticism if you can call it that is she is a soft touch with the little girl we have. Her children are all boys so she spoils the little girl and well its hard for us to stop it as Aura, the housekeeper spends more time with the little girl than Jenny or myself does. So she is more like a granny than a housekeeper, but that isn’t a real complaint is it. So I have to get back into that and then we are going house hunting again as Jenny didn’t find a house that we would have liked, we did find some nice plots and I am going to look at them, and I want to chill at the beach and drink a few beers. I am also getting a chance to go on a field trip with Jenny with all her university colleagues. They are going to investigate some caves to identify the number and species of bats that inhabit them. Now I love bats and this is a great opportunity for me to handle many of them, they have such cute little faces with the silly fleshy noses and huge ears, I did have one here that was more like a ball of fluff than anything else. When I tried to look at its face, its eyes were almost buried in the hair on its head. It was tiny, about the size of my thumb. So I have things to look forward to do and I will try and relax as well. I also want to say that please think about conservation in everything you do in life as we only have one planet to live on and we want to leave it in as good shape as we were born onto it. So remember ‘Save the Whale’.

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