Friday, October 21, 2005

Two weeks going wild in the Wild of Costa Rica

I have had a hectic time of it lately, i have been house hunting unsuccessfully in the south, been beach combing on the Pacific and Caving in the north. I saw what ramkpant rich Americans can do to a country, if you are thinking of buying property in Costa Rica then please dont throw your money about, i have heard that land can be bought for less than $200 a hectar but on the pacific coast where it is particularly beautiful, Some Americans are offering $200,000 a Hectar, this is corrupting the whole country and bringing resentment, so if you need to give away your money then give it to me and let me buy your farms for you, also be careful where you buy as i saw some plots on 70 degree inclines, this in a rainy country is a recipe for a washed away house so just think about it. the caving was great and saw a great many bats and saw them crapping into the boots left outside the cabina as it was their favourite roosting site, i will give you much more detail when i get back to Peru as i will have a good rest to fill you all in

Besides the Pacific coast is really hot and sweaty it is much better up in the mountains with far less pèople.


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