It could be my Nemesis
Why is it that whenever the shit hits the fan it is always just before dinner and you have to miss it and then catch a freezing cold leftover thing that tastes like crap and looks like crap and is crap. It was the same again today, I was just walking out of the office and I saw a huge flare

But I could still here the unit running I thought anyway and I was just thinking of something nice to eat and as I walked into the canteen the staff informed me the control room was trying desperately to get hold of me, I had been on the phone for the last 30 minutes ringing the wife about activities I wanted to do when I got home, like which beach we were going to go to for my birthday and what things we are going to buy for the new house. So I new the turbine has tripped and I thought back over the day what things had been going on and there are still some issues of the lightning not completely covered yet and I was hoping that the signal I had forced and then unforced wasn’t going to go bananas but it looked like it did, I had 10 managers looking over my shoulder as I was trying to get the unit running but there were other problems that kept jumping into to make the job doubly difficult and the miserable unit just kept tripping and in the end I was manually making the temperature for a dead exhaust temperature thermocouple, this is all very boring technical stuff but I am trying to give you the picture, lots of prying eyes and many shitty things going wrong, it was horrible but I finally got the unit running and it was loading up, I told my controls equivalent that I was going to remove a force on a signal and his faced changed into a picture of horror, he started questioning me over and over of the need to remove this signal, I did take it off and nothing happened as I knew it wouldn’t, but he looked relieved, he then told me there was going to be an inquiry about the unit tripping earlier as I had removed a forced signal and now the big boss was going to shout a lot and pull faces and generally be a spoilt brat and try and be really important, as all these guys think they are anyway. So I laughed a lot as I may use this opportunity to get off this site and have a longer break than normal while I get a new assignment. We’ll see what tomorrow brings in the way of loud so called important people and see if I can piss them really off to get off this project but not out of my contract company.
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