I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane ( Thursday )
It is that time of month again, no no, yes yes, I am clearing the decks and readying myself for leaving the jungle and getting back to some sort of normality or reality whatever is the correct phrase. This time of month always makes me ponder what it is that I am trying to do with my life and should I be actually doing this and what would I do if I wasn’t doing this. I have tried several times to get myself a normal job but it seems that my experience in Gas Turbines has painted me into a Gas Turbine corner and I am not much use to anyone else. Admitted that is pretty good if I want to keep working with gas turbines as I am in short supply. The reason for that is not many folks are trained in what I do and you only get good by years of experience (Making mistakes) and I am a very experienced. So I am left with the conclusion that I am going to have to keep working in this field of engineering as I make good money and cannot get a job doing anything else. The only way I can make this thing better is if I manage to get a good posting and I am hammering away at my manager to the point he is going to scream at me and threaten to send me to Nigeria or some other shithole in the world. I am wanting to go to the Middle East, not fantastic but I can get a house and take my wife and live a semi normal life. Shopping would be interesting but I could fly back to Europe pretty easy and going to the Far East on holiday would be easy and cheaper but again it isn’t living normally.
What I want to be doing while away from work

I am also thinking about life back in Costa Rica and slipping into sleeping late with no turbine noise and miserable ignorant shits stomping around the accommodation at 5.00am and jumping up and down on the squeaky metal frame beds all night long. God I will not miss working here when they move me. I am looking forward to having a beer and some normal food that doesn’t look like chicken. I am at the point of screaming if I see another chicken leg. I have given up going for breakfast as they even have chicken soup and not much else. You can’t even get toast in the canteen, I have to do that here in the office kitchen so I just stay here now, it is beneficial for my weight as I am still losing a little every week. The wife is going to be very pissed off if I lose too much before I get back as she has been trying hard for 12 months to lose and is failing.
So normal food a few beers and a good nights sleep and I will be a new man again. I am also planning my trip back to Europe over the next couple of months as I think I have sold the house in Spain and that means I am going to have to go and sign the paperwork. I will turn this into an adventure through Europe. I will go back to the UK and see my family and then drive my car which I still have in the garage. My wife is desperate to go to France as she learnt to speak French a few years ago and never was able to practice it in the country of its origin. Then through Spain and I will visit a few work buddies who are working in Spain. Good ole boy Brad from Houston now near Madrid and Oscar from Malabo, who is living in Barcelona. These guys may or may not be there when I drive through but I love to try and get to see them all. I haven’t been to Spain for a good while now and it will be interesting to take a slower drive through and perhaps take in a few more touristy destinations. Maybe stay in Barcelona for a while as it is supposed to be a very nice destination. Maybe a day or two in Madrid, but as you know all the best laid plans of mice and men, all turn to shite when it comes down to it. I will end up driving like a nutcase across the high speed highways without seeing anything getting haemorrhoids and crashing the car in some remote mountain pass. But what is life but not a challenge to beat the humdrum and create some heart racing moments to recount in some drunken bar conversation.
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