Microsoft The Evil Empire ???
Why oh why does Microsoft generate so much anger within the computer world. Without windows life would have been a pretty miserable place over the last 15 years, I learned how to do many things including drawing really silly pictures, making lots and lots of crap photographs and looking at pornography on the internet, other than those things that occupied an inordinately large amount of time I have used many programs for industrial use that were all Microsoft based and it was pretty easy to work with them and I have had very few problems with machines. I think it is only the geeks who continuously play with systems and services and try and make it better than MS who destroy the operating system and then complain about it. I have been working on my own laptop this last week doing just the same things as these geeks and ended up with a machine that is fast once it has booted but has a huge memory loss while it is starting and takes about twice as long now. But I had fun doing it. What I did learn are about some of the networking things that Microsoft has built into it for administrators to be able to watch over the office plebs and see what they are up to, this is what I think the geeks are complaining about. The thought that someone called Bill is watching them masturbate over some images of sheep while dressed as Dolly Parton. That is what they cannot except and complain and complain like some whining 10 year old complaining about not being allowed to play with the girl next door after being found stuffing chocolate in her panties, not that I ever was banned from playing with girls that is. One function called WBEM, it logs all things you do, I am not quite sure what it really does but it does some logging and stores it in a log file and then the administrator can access it anytime your on the network and he can see what you have been up to and other than it slowing down the things you do, I also don’t like the idea of someone knowing what I have been doing or looking at, not that I look at pictures of sheep longingly while I am away from home but it is that someone looking over your shoulder thing that is off putting. The only way you can turn it off is change the registry so it is something that only if you really wanted to do can you make the effort, it isn’t like just unchecking a box, you have to change the operating system basically. Plus there are loads of things just sat there from ancient days that have been pulled along into the latest system XP. And these can only be removed by chopping away at the registry. This is not for the faint hearted as if you screw up your machine can only be recovered by reformatting and reloading the operating system. So the fact that Bill gates has made the software that can spy on you he also charges a lot of money for the privilege and then you have to spend hours upon hours of your time downloading the patches to keep your machine alive so the Russian Mafia cannot turn it into a Zombie and start a porn site on your Dell without you knowing. That is a disconcerting thought. I found out that I have a remnant of a virus still sat on my machine from God knows when after I loaded the MSCONFIG:EXE file to my windows 2000 machine and ran it, this is a windows XP file but it runs fine and it showed that I had a hangover called Alice from the W32 Gobster virus. I don’t think it is active as I checked the locations in the registry for it and it has been removed by the anti-virus software. But we cannot blame Bill for the goddam Russian Mafia wanting to steal all our money, it just happens that he made this nice easy software to work with and the Russians found it was full of bugs that make it easy for the Mafia to take control by doing some very easy buffer attacks. But slowly and surely they are making it more and more bullet proof. I only hope that the next version is far more robust and will wring the neck of the viruses before they can infect anything. How can I possibly complain about Bill Gates and his trillion dollar fortune when I have enjoyed playing on them for the last 10 years and use them for basically everything I do. Good on ya Bill and I hope you make another $100 Trillion so I can watch films direct from the interent and cable TV and basically anything that has ever been made and ever been shown on a screen anywhere or even been photographed, I LOVE BILL GATES, he is my hero, I only hate him for the fact it wasn’t me who was that clever and ruthless.

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