Famous At Last, Almost
I felt so proud of myself today as I got myself published and along with 5 of my photos from Peru. It was accompanied by a special thanks from the editor, I was floating on cloud nine and I didn’t have a care in the world. It was only the company newsletter and with only 1450 employees it is easy to get your letters published and again I was the only letter writer I think as I was the only letter to get published so I cannot go bragging too much but at least I did get it published.
Last night I had to admit that life here in Peru has lost its appeal, the weather in the rainy season is crap and it is just like a summer’s day in the UK. Miserable and overcast and pretty short also, it goes dark about 6 pm. So it is off to bed about 9 pm as there is nothing else to do and the crew start banging about in the accommodation at 5 am so there is no lying in bed late. I have been here for about 2 weeks and it is feeling like I am in prison once more. This remoteness is not good for the soul and I really really need to get out of this jobsite. I cannot focus on the money or the ease of the job or the beauty of the place, especially when the rain is beating down like Noah is going to come floating by. How can I motivate myself, I am ignoring it at the moment by surfing all day long, learning new stuff about entangled photons and quantum computing, this is interesting but willnot do much for my career as a controls engineer. I did learn how to import excel spreadsheets into access to create a database. Something I don’t normally do much of but at least I could do it. I learned how to make plan in Microsoft project and that was so goddam easy to be not worth mentioning but I mentioned it anyhow. I pride myself on keeping all the office paperwork down to an absolute minimum but carrying out everything as quickly as possible and eliminating all redundant and not applicable e-mails, this is good but last for about 30 minutes a day. I really need a very big and difficult project to work on, to keep my brain active and stop me thinking silly and boring things and make me sleep at night. Also I would love to be able to take my wife with me to a project and feel normal at night doing husbandly things like talking and eating together and going out once a week and watching TV together. Normal things that normal people take for granted but I haven’t had for over 7 years. I am not complaining about my job as it is probably the best job on the planet, unless being a dictatorial president with billions of oil dollars and living in LA and Paris, like the president of Equatorial Guinea, isn’t the best job, then I have the second best job in the world. The problem I am having now is that after getting this job in Peru after I asked for it, I am expecting to get a nice job next time now I have also asked for it and that is never the case, I am getting my hopes up for a posting to the deserts of Arabia with my wife and it isn’t going to happen, not in a millions years. I am going to end up in some rotten swamp in Africa, beating off the giant mosquitoes and kidnappers with hyenas and screaming, “ I’m a celebrity get me outta here”. Now that is more like a reality show.
Probably My Next Assignment. These are The Local Police

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