Out of The Rain Into The Sun
Today is a hive of activity all over the plant as the sun has come out and flying can now resume with all the fervour of a war scenario. The helicopters are buzzing in and out as mad as any honey bees and delivering guys to outlying drilling sites. The shuttle flights into Lima are going to try and make 3 flights today to bring new people in a take away all the old worn out folks getting ready to have a nervous breakdown after being delayed for 2 extra days. With the sun shining there has been an upsurge in butterfly activity and it must be the season for a small green skipper type butterfly as I have removed many of them from the screens.

last night just before dusk there were hundreds of swifts circling over the plant, in a huge swirling mass obviously hunting for food after having to spend the last 24 hours grounded because of the horrendous rain we have had. They are quite large birds for a swift and I think I have identified them as Chimney Swifts, they are overwintering in the Amazon basin as they breed in the USA in the northern summer. They seem to like the immense amount of insects in this part of the world but here in the camp all mosquitoes and most other insects are non existent as they fumigate on a regular basis and that is OK as it saves me from being eaten alive as being a soft whitey from the far north I have sweet blood and they just love to suck me dry.

I still haven’t got any news on my posting away from Peru, one of my colleagues is now in Korea and I think it is pretty cold up there, why am I really wanting to get away from this nice warm place, I am not sure, something about itchy feet and wanting to see some other parts of the world. We’ll see what happens.
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