The Harding Dam and Growling Kangaroos
When we went out for our little tour of the surrounding area, we ended up at the local dam that feeds all the small communities here, the local weather is cyclonic, in the rainy season they can have a huge amount of water in a short time and then nothing for the rest of the year, you only see trees growing in the water course edges. It is a typically dry countryside with only grass growing and I have seen no Kangaroos anywhere other than feeding on the irrigated grass lawns around the offices in the plant, I am not sure how they actually get in, perhaps they wear a disguise and use forged passes, but there is a huge fence around the plant and controlled access gates so it is a mystery to me how they manage to sneak in to taste the lush vegetation of the lawns, I was told that they eat mostly at night as it is cooler and I have seen them eating during the night, the larger of the two was lazing near the smoking area and when my colleague was going to sit down the large one growled at him so he thought better of getting too close to him, they do look cute when small but the big ones really do look very intimidating and could give you a nasty kick in the crown jewels, Well worth thinking about. I am hoping to do some more touring but who knows, my company could pull me out this friday or leave me here for another month.
The Main Dam Wall
The spillway and the river full of black swans from top of the dam wall, The trees only grow where the water is and these are called Ghost Gum Trees
The Growling Grey Kangaroo and Joey

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