Sunday, April 13, 2008

Amazing Sea Eagle

We are woirking 7 days a week and doing 12 hour days so i am not seeing or doing much other than eat, sleep and work. We went out for a meal sunday afternoon as the plants canteen was closed and we were driving along amongst the strange red rocky hills and around the bend we saw a kangaroos carcass on the road and to our amazement a White-Breasted Sea Eagle just swooping down to feed on it, we disturbed it and it never touched down but man oh man it was a huge bird and this fantastic pure white colour to its body, I have also to change the identification fo the cockatoos that we have around here, not being able to get a good look at them until a couple of days ago, they are not sulphur crested but little corallas, a large bird the same as the sulphur crested cockatoo but with a blue eye ring and a smaller white crest, I have seen large flocks of them here maybe 200 or more, in fact the farmers are allowed to shoot them as they regard them as a pest when they come raiding the crops in the wheat fields, and this is when there is a total ban on the export of wild birds from Australia and even though they fetch $1000 or more when sold abroad, but you have to draw the line somewhere in the animal export market and i agree with the ban , but not the shoooting of any birds

FLocks of these lovely birds are seen by the side of the road eating grass seeds

The huge raptor ( Not rapstar) was trying to eat roadkill Kangaroo


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