Sunday, May 18, 2008

Down on the Costa Rican Farm

I have spent a long week getting ready for a trip to Florence in Italy to sort out my next Job. It could be a long job and in a very nice location, I cannot discuss it much as it is almost completed but I don't want to tempt fate with talking about it too much other than to say I am pretty excited about it and I could end up retiring on this one. As i am flying out Tuesday morning we decided to go out for the day to a petting farm, it is a large franchise place not really a farm but a glorified theme park, I wasn't excited but for the little girl, feeding pigs and goats and horses is all great fun, she even had a ride on the ponies and this was a first for her

Emma riding the Ox

I dont mind feeing the animals but sometimes i get dragged into events as I stand out so much in the crowd, I am tall thin and white, most locals are short fat and brown usually with a huge hairy caterpillar on the top lip, so I got dragged into chasing a piglet around a course to win for England, very funny to watch I suppose, I didnt win, my pig was drugged and wouldn't run

The horses were the best part of the whole place, some huge horses and many with foals, tiny donkeys and all sorts of ponies and shetlands and miniature horses, Emma has just learnt to understand the that males have hanging parts and females dont, so she was very happy to tell everyone which horse was male and which was female, all by looking between the back legs of the animals, it was hilarious.
feedign the piglets was also a very amusing part of the day, the pigs were clever enough to realise that if they bit hard and pulled they would get the bottle all to themselves, stealing bottles was so funny, the look of shock on the faces of the kids and the women was so funny.


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