Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sarawak, The Information Highway

In a normal country we live by the information highway, E-mail and Flickr photo sharing and Facebook, but here in Sarawak it is the information Donkey Track, in the office it is so slow that it willnot open Yahoo Mail even, and the hotel is barely better, I can chat to my wife on Messenger and do mail but only just, but as for living a nice life, this is a tropical paradise, apart from the fact they are cutting down all the forest, Malaysia is the 2nd biggest tropical wood exporter after Brazil. and the environment minister claimed that there is no destruction of the jungle to plant Palm Oil, but even here on the coast we drive passed newly cleared jungle to plant Palm Oil, he is of course a corrupt politician and will say anything they pay him to say. I have been told that the local Chinese people here run all the business and all the dodgy business, so it is best to leave them alone but how can you eat ut without going native and eating a great chinese Tom Yam spicey noodle soup, I ate across the road at a cafe and it cost $1 and i got a bowl of really nice spicey noodles that were just amazing. i love the food and the climate but they have to leave the jungle alone


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