Sunday, June 07, 2009

Travel Worries and Not Dying

I used to fly constantly for work and now I am flying less but still a lot, and every time I see a crash on TV of some airliner I think, thank Buddha it was them, as that obviously increases my chances of not having a crash. This may seem a rather clinical way of looking at someone else's misfortune but it is what happens when you take not dying in a crash for granted. Flying they say is the safest method of travel, many times safer than driving, which I do not do much of these days, but when you have a crash your body is smashed like a soft tomato and you have no chance of escaping, even if you packed a parachute in your hand luggage. Where driving at least you have a chance of avoiding the other object, namely the other vehicle and not the ground looming up at 500 mph. There are on average about 6 major airliner crashes a year and most are in third world countries flying older planes, but to have an almost new plane just fall out of the sky with no apparent reason is very worrying and as I fly to central america quite often now being an official legal resident of Costa Rica I have a genuine reason to be worried. As soon as the star trek transporter is available I will be using it.


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