I Met a Movie Star In Malaysia
I have met a movie star in Malaysia and I am staggered to meet such a prestigious star in such an out of the way destination, Bintulu Sarawak Malaysia, It was purely by chance that we went into a local place to eat and he was sat down just minding his own business but still larger than life and almost as big as I remember him in Star Wars, I was shocked and stunned speechless just seeing him in the flesh and what flesh he had, he was all of 500 pounds if not more(250Kgs), he spoke with that same husky gargling rasp that he had and was really a peasant just like in the movies, he did two if you can remember in the star Wars first two movies, he was the villain that had Han Solo imprisoned in some strange black stuff and ate frogs and things, Yes it is Jabba The Hut, I saw Jabba the hut in a steak bar, he was just as ugly if not more so, he had a windpipe tracheotomy so that he had to put his finger over the end to speak and make a gargling sort of voice, he was as fat as a fattened chinese pig and shuffled about in shorts and a giant ugly old T-shirt, probably a disguise. I never would have thought I would see him in this neck of the woods I feel so privileged, it made my week anyway.
Jabba looking all the part of the villain, he seemd to have grown some head hair since the movie.
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