Gruesome Murder in the Jungle
There is murder mystery happening in Malvinas and I am determined to find out who the villain or perpetrator of the crime is. I have been seeing the wings of huge moths all around the plant, lots of them and not on the ground but up on the screens and usually with small fragments of the body still attached to the wing. This means that the killer is eating the moth and then spitting out the wings as they are large and not very tasty as you can imgine. So the spitting means there is some selection going on by the animal. I have a few clues but nothing other than feathers and dung. I originally suspected the Toads as they are huge and there are many around the plant, possibly hundreds but the wings that are left behind have the bits of body so this means the toads cannot have been the killer as they can only swallow and not chew. That leaves birds and bats as the killers, I have seen a few feathers around the plant stuck on the screens but that doesn’t mean they were actually eating the moths and again they cannot chew but just swallow and the moths that keep getting eaten are the biggest and the birds would have been lucky to have been able to swallow them again, there are some birds here called Sandy Nighthawks, that fly at night and eat by catching flying insects, usually small stuff and these moths are big. That leaves only the bats and this was my first and last suspicion as I have only seen small and very small bats on this site but in the dead of the night doesn't mean there are large bats coming into the plant and landing on the screens and eating the moths where they are and spitting out the wings and again there are lots of half eaten bodies as well but mostly wings, so my strongest suspicion is that bats are the killers but to be honest those moths are pretty ugly and probably provoked some response, calling the bats ugly monsters or flicking them the bird, so the bats stroll over and get out the knuckle dusters give the moths a good beating first then tear the wings off them and finally eating them slowly from the extremities first while listening to them beg for mercy while the bats crunch their way through the hard shell and finally the head. Sounds about right for those devilish bats. They would have to be pretty big as the largest one I have found here was about 4 inches long in the body and had a wing span of about 12-15 inches. I have to prove this by actually seeing some large bats flying around the plant but I am always in bed early as I am a crappy sleeper.

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