The Roads Are Getting Worse and I Need a Lot of Guns
There are only a few things about Costa Rica that constitute a problem with life, one being the hopeless government and corruption that squeezes the life out of everything that happens in Costa Rica, that in itself is a huge number of blogs that I may venture into sometime, another is the crime that is common in all third world countries and even starting to become a huge problem in the developed world as the criminal elite move in knowing that is where all the money is. The final and most pervasive on a daily basis is the shocking driving experience, the roads are appalling and in a quite ridiculous conditions with holes the size of a Volkswagon beetles and getting worse as the number of cars increases daily. The Pan American highway that snakes across the full length of Costa Rica is a mix of fantastic and F*§king dreadful.
This is a repaired bridge on the caribbean coastal highway, you can see all the way down to the water, and has been like this 3 years that i have been driving passed it.

This is the economic artery and the government debates it daily but it falls into worse and worse condition. This problem is compounded by the lack of traffic police who seem to be only interested in hiding and getting laid and taking bribes. They are totally invisible in all of Costa Rica which induces a belief that you will never get caught for any motoring offence and that all road signs are just advisory and not compulsory which I have now also adopted. So stop signs and lights are now also advisory and speed limits are the minimum, this makes for interesting driving and as to prove the folly of this the daily news and papers are full of the death and destructions of the poor victims of this attitude. I have mentioned before the shocking pictures on TV and papers of the dead mangled vitims of road accidents and murders quite openly displayed for all to ogle at. I casually drive through red lights after a quick cursory look in the other directions, speeding is compulsory at all times which I enjoy, constant pipping of the horn is also mandatory to let all know that your pissed off and need to piss others off, pipping at a red light to let others know your pissed off at having to stop at a red light, pipping after it has turned to green to let them know your desperate to go fast nowhere in particular. The other consequence of this is that everyone else is also in the same state of mind and even worse the criminals are also there with guns in the car. This had the effect of worrying me badly to the point of wanting to buy many guns myself, (Further explanations later), while pipping at a bad driver who pulled out in front of me causing me to have to slow down while speeding, I pipped my horn constantly for about 20 seconds while following him and and then overtaking him while speeding very fast, as I overtook him I looked and saw the passenger had a revolver in his hand pointing it up and looking at me with a look that only meant, pip once more and I will shoot you in the head. I went faster to get away. I went to the gun shop the next day to find out how I can get a gun to protect myself and kill other annoying drivers. As I have a business in Costa Rica I can buy a gun, register it in the company’s name and then use it myself. In the gun shop I was shown a full array of 9mm guns as that was all they had. All very expensive and all crap, they were huge semi-automatics that weighed about 3 kg and impossible to carry without the aid of a backpack, very silly guns but I was assured that I needed a 9mm to stop those pesky burglars (annoying drivers), what I want and will get is a 22 semi automatic that weighs about 6 ounces and I can carry in my wallet to just pull out when the day comes when I get held up at gun point in downtown San Jose and I can shoot the foreign mugger in the knee caps, so it stops him ever driving again on the streets of Costa Rica. The muggers are nearly all illegal Nicaraguan immigrants as there is nobody worth mugging in Nicaragua left. The other worrying thing about the Nicaraguan immigrants is the Mara gangs. They are all trained by the civil war fighters and are quite handy with Ak47 guns back home and in the US where they are setting up very murderous gangs who kill just for fun and pipping your horn. Plus dealing lots of cocaine which is where they make most of their money. So I am a typical driver now in this wonderful country and I am going to get a gun like everybody else and hopefully protect myself and perhaps get a medal for shooting dead a robber or burglar or bad driver.
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