Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I Am So Excited But I Am So ill I Cant Show It

I am leaving this miserable place in the jungle in less than 24 hours but I can hardly raise a smile, I have a rotten flu bug that is making me feel queasy at the thought of food and my neck aches like someone has been beating me with a bat. Why oh why does it always happen like this, I am going home to my new house and move in and do some furniture shopping and I feel like the walking dead. I am expected to perform my job on-site here as though I am a robot and travel without a problem but I am as useful as a one legged man in an ass kicking competition. I can only site here in my office putting the A/C on when I am having a severe sweating bout, or walking outside in the blazing summer sunshine of 35C to warm up as I have the shivers. I can eat anything other than soup, I am like an old man on camp but without the stink of stale urine lingering behind me. I think I have said it before, if there was a God up there looking down on me, he is just laughing off his ass, the only thing worse he can do is put my flight tomorrow into the top of a mountain in the Andes and make me eat the dead passengers, I think they would taste a bit spicy and would be very tender, they don’t seem to work up a sweat much. I have workmen going crazy in the house back in Costa Rica putting some finishing touches to the house, and making some curtains but nothing is going to be ready for at least another 5 days, I have to live in my new bedroom without curtains for at least 5 days and that could be quite funny. This condo has pretty close housing facing each other and the neighbours could get an eyeful of me when I get out of the bathroom and into the dressing room, but who cares I am used to living like a peasant in this craphole with a golden rain freak who like to display his inaccuracies about the toilet seat and bathroom floor, sharing my bathroom. I am looking forward to getting some normal food, not even decent food, just normal, not steamed goddam chicken that tastes like fresh air, everything tastes the same, I need vegetables and roast things and some bacon and eggs, normal stuff. I am hating working in third world places and having to adapt to it, at least in Russia I am going to be working for Exxonmobil and they may e serving bacon and rib eye steaks, I may be flying through Los Angeles and may get to go shopping in Walmart and that will be my reward for being a good little peasant for the last 12 months in the jungles of Peru, and Buddha did see me save all those little bats and rescue thousands of butterflies, he will look after me wont he. ( Like hell he will )


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