Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Testing the Job Market

I have been dipping my toe in the waters of job changing, I have been casting around my CV, resume, to all and sundry just to see if anyone would offer me a nice job somewhere, I got two calls only, one was from a competitor of turbine manufacturers and one from a giant construction company, I was offered an interview with the turbine manufacturer and waited one night unitl I went to bed and wrote a letter of complaint to the agency saying I was going to bed, he apologised and arranged another interview, when I rang them this time the guy was eating at a seminar, and arranged another time, this time he said he was busy but tol me the job they had, was service maanger in Indonesia in some remote place looking after 46 old gas turbines on offshore platforms, flying helicopters everyday. This sounded like lots of dirty crappy work, lots of jetlag and a miserable place, no wife and no beer again. I wrote to the agency telling them that I have never dealt with such an amateur company as they couldn’t organise an interview properly and that the job was crap and I wasn’t interested.
The second interview was so different, I was asked where I would like to work and what type of job I wanted and did I want to live with my wife and child and what sort of money I wanted, he was basically offering me a choice, I got the impression that they were very busy and were desperate, that is OK by me as it gives me a foothold in the door and gives me a steady job with the wife with me and even if it is in the middle east, it is warm and maybe I can get a beer and is tax free, also no jetlag. So they are going to call me again this week sometime with details of job places, wasn’t really an interview then was it. Sometimes life is nice and sometimes it stabs you in the back, we will see how this one turns out later.
I could be a winner this time next week


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