Back In the Land of Warmth and Civilisation
I am home in the land of sunshine and warmth and easy beer drinking and nice food eating, I had a totally uneventful trip home apart from the catastrophic error of me landing in one New York Airport and leaving via another airport, this must have been overlooked as it is an hours drive between JFK and Newark Liberty International. I was worried about the time i was going to spend getting through Immigration and collecting my baggage and then crossing the city to get to my departure airport, in the end I made it easy and had 3 hours to spare. I couldn't sleep on any plane other than a sneaky 1 hour on my final flight but by this time i was so jetlagged i wasn't feeling normal. My wife and little girl were waiting at the airport for me and i tried to be happy but i felt like a laboratory rabbit that had been exposed to lots of strange drugs, I had flet all hot and sweaty on the plane but put it down to poor A/C, but as my wife drove me home i knew i was going to vomit, i had to get her to stop and let me throw up, i had suspected that the plane food wasn't good, i am getting almost sensetised to poor quality airplane food, i think i am going to have to go Vegetarian on planes. I slumped into bed but was awake at 3am feeling like crap, the whole following day i was in Zombie land, i couldn't function, nothing seemed real to me, I am getting to the point of never wanting to fly again, I wernt to bed that night and took a full Valium to knock me out for 8 hours, it worked great and i got up at 5.30 after 8 hours solid undisturbed peace, I am feeling normal and like i can move house as today we start the house moving process, this couldn't have come at a worse time, jetlagged and moving house, anyway, this is the start of me and the family moving to Australia, I haven't had any definite details other than my boss telling me that i am going mid march, Life has a way of kicking you in the balls just when your getting excited but we will see how this plan turns out