Friday, September 10, 2010

Facebook is Killing my Blog

I have been working on this Blog for maybe 5 or 6 years now and to be honest I think Blogging is losing its relevance, It was developed for keeping in contact with friends and family but now with the advent of Facebook it has lost its need, Facebook is easy, you see the folks your trying to keep in touch with and you can chat like messenger, you see pictures, you share more with the folks there, but with blogging your hoping that your friends know your there and can they really be bothered with going to read the usual silly stuff i come out with.

Facebook is so easy to setup, just arrange your own account, they search via e-mail addresses for your friends and hey presto, you see everything these people put in, just maybe a 1 liner, or a birthday thing or many things, it is so much more personal, I am addicted and as you can see, i am blogging less and less, since i blogged I only ever got one unknown reader who asked me what Malabo Equatorial Guinea was like, other than that i think i have about 4 regular readers, and a few who come and see what is happening in my insane lifestyle.

just take a look at and check for my email address, as this maybe one of my last ever posts in Blogger. times are moving on.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Working in The Middle East

I have one thing to say about this part of the world, i will never ever come and work here again, not for all the tea in China or the gold in Fort Knox, my life is not long enough to tolerate the squalid conditions that I am forced to live in, it couldn't be worse in any third world country and probably would be far better as they would be grateful for my working for them, here I am just tolerated. I even have to obtain permission to leave the project, not acceptable, I dont think i need to add anymore.