Counting Down
I have got to the point of the rotation of counting down the days, it is something that is not good to do as it just makes the days go slower. This is a very bad habit that I have always wanted not to do but always failed to stop the countdown for the last week. This is harder here as I have very little in the way of work to complete, I am preparing a list of activities for the shutdown and hopefully that can enable me to pass a day or two, I will be unfortunately looking after 22 guys who are arriving tomorrow to start the shutdown mechanical work, there isn’t any supervisors arriving from Italy for another 6 days so I am going to have to make it up as I go along. But if I wave my arms about enough and shout a little bit I will sound like any other Italian supervisor.
As you can imagine there are lots and lots of dragonflies here and all sorts of species and sizes. They are very spectacular and also very dangerous as I knew they were insectivorous but I didn’t know how big their jaws were until I was handling one the other day. I was taking the butterflies off the screens as I do 3 times a day and I saw this huge dragonfly with the biggest eyes I have ever seen on one and I grabbed its body from behind and was about to put it in the bag with all the other captives and it was able to spin its body round and down towards my finger and grabbed hold with its huge jaws and pinched like a bitch. I thought it was going to cut through the flesh and I started one of those huge wildly swinging movements rapidly trying to shake this beast off my finger. It did let go and got stuck again into the screens but I am now very wary of the bigger dragonflies. I still pick up dragonflies but I grab them right on the thorax as they cannot spin round from that position. One more lesson learned from the crazy world of the Amazonian jungle creatures.

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